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FREE *Free* Hyosung stuff and silly LED lights

Discussion in 'For sale and Wanted' started by timmyjj21, Sep 11, 2011.

  1. timmyjj21

    timmyjj21 Member

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Real Name:
    2003 Triumph Daytona 600
    I'm clearing out some assorted crap that has been sitting around for a while. It is all free

    So for starters I have a Hyosung fuel cap sticker in imitation carbon fibre. This cost me $1 from eBay and I destroyed the bike before i even put it on.

    Also a clutch lever from a GT250R in good condition and a brake lever that has a section of the pivot joint cracked off. It still works (i didnt even realise it was broken when i replaced it with annodised shorties) but i would suggest it be kept as an emergency spare only!

    Also up for grabs are some ridiculous wind powered LED lights. I got them out of curiosity and because you cant go wrong for $2...they are pretty naff and not really motorcycle related :)

    here are some links to what they look like
    Type 1:

    Type 2:

    All of this junk is pickup only from the RSPCA Building B. This is NOT the main reception and is instead the veterinary hospital next door. I will be working there Monday and Tuesday. Ask a nurse for "the bag of Tims junk".
    Anyone may reply to this thread (Even if you dont own a Hyo!) just so i can clear it, otherwise I will toss it all out as i leave on Tuesday.